Michelle Scatina, D.C.

Location of Practice: Berkeley, CA and San Francisco, CA

Preferred Form of Contact: (510) 385-6647

Secondary Form of Contact: livingchiropracticclinic@gmail.com

Website: https://www.livingchiropracticclinic.com/#contact

Dr. Scatina is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College West and was a head doctor at the Hendrickson Clinic for over 16 years. Dr. Scatina incorporates the Hendrickson Method with chiropractic adjustments to successfully treat orthopedic conditions of all kinds. She uses traditional chiropractic adjusting with the very gentle techniques of craniosacral work and Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT). Dr. Scatina has been trained in the Hendrickson Method of Massage and Manual Therapy. She has also trained in neurological reeducation. In addition to providing care for adults, Dr. Scatina specializes in pediatric chiropractic care, treating children of all ages.